
zondag 4 augustus 2019

CaS in het weekend 256 / CAS in the weekend 256

Het weekend begon nog met regen, maar na een natte zaterdagochtend is het hier droog gebleven en vandaag is het zelfs zonnig! Veel gedaan en lekker gerommeld; heerlijk dat aanpakken van al die kleine dingen die zijn blijven liggen in de waan van elke dag...
En ook heerlijk dat een paar stempels die ik al een tijd geleden ineen TV-show zag nu eindelijk ook in Nederland te koop zijn...vrijdag besteld en zaterdag al in huis; wat een vaart! En dus ook maar meteen gebruikt; vind ze zo leuk!

The weekend started with some rain, but after a wet saterdaymorning it has been dry and today even sunny! I did a lot; feels good to finaly do all those little things that remain undone in the normal routine of the days...
And so great that a few stamps that I saw in a TV-show finally are sold in The Netherlands aswel...I ordered them friday and they were saterday n the mail; what a quick servce! So I used them right away; think they are so super!

Gebruikte materialen:
Used materials:
Stempels: Visible Image, Nellie Snellen
Inkt: Versafine Onyx black, DO Carved pumpkin, Salty ocean
Overige: Aquarel- en maskerpapier, waterpen en wit cardstock

Gebruikte materialen:
Used materials:
Stempels: Visible Image, Nellie Snellen, Action
Inkt: Versafine Onyx black, DO Ripe Persimmon, Salty ocean, Black soot
Overige: Aquarel- en maskerpapier, waterpen en wit cardstock

Fijn weekend en creatieve groetjes,

Met de 1e kaart doe ik mee bij:
I am entering the first card at:
Simon Says Stamp Mondaychallenge: Bright and cheerful
Simon Says Stamp Wednesdaychallenge: Anything goes
Less Is More: #401 Colourchallenge Tangerine, aqua and white
Happy Little Stampers CAS Challenge: Only one third
AAA CAS Game: #146 (made in minutes)

Met de 2e kaart doe ik mee bij:
I am entering the second card at:
Addicted to CAS: #165 Bubble
Try it on Tuesday: Splatters and splodges
Addicted To Stamps and more: #352 Make your mark
Watercooler Wednesday: WWC232 Anything goes
Just add Ink: #468 Just add "C" ( Cirkles)

18 opmerkingen:

  1. Such charming images, Gerrina, they're lovely ... the loose watercolouring is perfect for them ... and what cool backgrounds! Bon dimanche! Hugs, Anita :)

  2. Sweet images and fabulous CAS cards. Thanks for playing at AAA Cards, hope to see you join in with future challenges too.

  3. Sounds like you have been busy. Super cards Gerrina. Such fun characters. Love the circle backgrounds as well. Hugs Flo x

  4. Wat een mooie kaarten en zo leuk die gekleurde cirkels erbij.

  5. Such sweet images Gerrina. I hope that you're keeping well and happy xx

  6. These are so sweet! Thanks for sharing with us at try It on Tuesday. Hugs-Erika

  7. I love these AALLandcreate animals and these cards are both beautiful! Thank you for joining us at Try It On Tuesday! Hugs, Chrisx

  8. Fantastic cards,thank you for joining Try it on Tuesday!

  9. Fabulous twosome awesome stamps used as well.x

  10. What beautiful images Gerrina, and I love how you have created the background to them with the circles - amazing work and stunning cards

  11. Both of your cards are beautiful, Gerrina! I love the details to your circle pattern and the look on the face of the Koala mum - very cute. Thanks for sharing with us at Just Add Ink this week.

  12. Lovely cards Gerrina, using the circles as an abstract background that fades out really looks great! Thanks for joining us at Just Add Ink this week. Kim

  13. Very well put together, lovely layout and images. Chantell Just Add Ink

  14. Such lovely cards, Gerrina! Those images are so cute, love how you added some colours to the backgrounds. Thank you for sharing your card with us at ATSM!

  15. Great job on your creations! Love those bubbles! Thanks for sharing at ATCAS this week!

  16. What a fun set of cards! Love that giraffe! Thank you for playing along with AAA Cards 'Made in Minutes' challenge!

  17. Love the background to your sweet little deer Gerrina. It is exciting receiving goodies in the post isn't it?
    Thanks for sharing at HLS. :)

  18. WOW! Another great card, Gerrina. This card shines with its light. Exceptional artistic work.
    Thank you for sharing this beautiful card in HLS CAS.
    BożenA DT HLS


Bedankt voor je berichtje! Ik lees ze elke keer met veel plezier.
Thanks for your comment! I read them with great pleasure.

Creatieve groetjes, Gerrina