
vrijdag 7 april 2023

Spelen met stencils en gelliplate 5: Geniet... / Playing with stencils and gelliplate 5 and Cherish...

Ken je dat? Je maakt een mooie achtergrond met de GelliPlate en bent heel blij, en dan heb je geen tijd om er op dat moment verder iets mee te doen en dus blijft deze in de achtergrondendoos liggen. Je ziet deze af en toe bij het zoeken in de doos, maar steeds is het geen passende achtergrond, of krijg je geen idee wat je ermee zou willen maken... en dus blijft de mooie achtergrond steeds maar liggen...
Dus heb ik resoluut deze eruit gepakt en ben er iets mee gaan maken. Want zeg nou zelf; zonde om te laten liggen, toch? 

Do you recognize this? You make a beautiful background with the GelliPlate and feel so cheerfull, and than you don't have time to meke something with it and so this background stays in the backgroundbox. You see this one a few times when you are looking for domething in the backgroundbox, but, it is not a matching background for what you are making, or you don't get an idea of what you would want to make with it... so that beautiful background stays in the box...
So I took it out and pressered myself to make something with it. It is so stupid to let a beautiful background lay in a box for such a long time, or not?

Zo ziet het er nu uit:
This is how it looks now:

Gebruikte materialen:
Used materials:
Stempels: onbekend
Stencil: Diversen
Stanzen: Sizzix,Tim Holtz
Inkt: DO Mustard seed, Mowed lawn en Salty ocean
Overige: Aquarelpapier, diverse kleuren verf, Gelliplate, brayer, stempelpapier kwast en water en kant

Zo zag het eruit nadat ik de print van de Gelliplate had 'getrokken':
This is after I took the print from the Gelliplate:

Creatieve groetjes,


Met deze kaart doe ik mee bij:
I am entering this card at:
Try it on Tuesday: Hello Spring
Simon Says Stamp Mondaychallenge:  Add texture
TicTacToe challenge: #203 (flowers+ribbom+free)

6 opmerkingen:

  1. Mooi gedaan!
    Fijne Paasdagen

  2. An amazing background Gerrina, and so beautifully used on this card

  3. Yes, can identify with all you say Gerrina, so often I pass over backgrounds then suddenly one day..... This looks lovely and you found the prefect way to use it.

    Happy Easter.

    B x

  4. I'm glad you challenged yourself to use this background now as it made for a stunning card design, original and eye catching, Thanks for sharing with us at Try it on Tuesday.

  5. Great card! Thank you for joining us at the TTTC.

  6. Lovely card Gerrina and that background is great

    Thanks for joining in at Try It On Tuesday Challenge


Bedankt voor je berichtje! Ik lees ze elke keer met veel plezier.
Thanks for your comment! I read them with great pleasure.

Creatieve groetjes, Gerrina