
maandag 20 november 2023

Stempel je wereld / Stamp your world

Nog maar eens iets uit mijn 'nog af te maken'-doos gepakt. Deze sterke en stevige tekst vind ik nog steeds mooi en ook de combinatie met het al gestempelde gezicht vind ik tof. Maar verder? Pas toen ik de kleurencombinatie van de uitdaging bij 'The colour hues' zag (alweer voorbij), wist ik hoe ik deze verder af wou maken. Dit is het geworden:

Again I took something out of my 'still-to-finish'-box. This strong and bold text is one I still like and the combination with the face is great I think. But next? Only when I saw the colour combination at 'The colour hues' (already closed), I knew how I wanted to finish this one. This is what I made:

Gebruikte materialen:
Used materials:
Stempels: Unity Stamps, Inkadinkado, (Text: Stamp your world)
Stencil: Aall&Create
Inkt: Versafine Onyx black, DO Salty ocean en Dusty concord
Overige: Stempelpapier, blendingtool en zwarte Posca stift

Ik kwam een tijdje geleden op het internet een gedicht tegen dat ik wel op mij vond slaan. Niet dat ik daadwerkelijk weg zou willen, maar op een bepaalde manier toch weer wel... Ik ga graag op pad in een boek, met muziek, via films, documentaires, vlogs en foto's. Maar ik ben/blijf graag thuis... Voor mij heb ik een uitlaatklep gevonden in het stempelen en zo van alles maken wat ik maar kan bedenken... Elke week maak ik wel een Art Journal Page die voor mij die week uitbeeld. Of dat nou over een gevoel, een omgeving of een gebeurtenis met anderen gaat of gewoon maar een kleur die bij de week past... 
En ik hoop binnenkort ook weer met een nieuwe goede fotocamera op pad te gaan; wie weet zie je daarvan hier ook weer wat terug...
Maar goed, hieronder het gedicht van Don Blanding.

A while ago I came across a poem on the internet that I thought resonated with me. Not that I would actually want to leave, but in a certain way I do... I like to travel in a book, with music, through films, documentaries, vlogs and photos. But I like to be/stay at home... For me, I have found an outlet in stamping and making everything I can think of... Every week I make an Art Journal Page that represents that week for me. Whether it is about a feeling, an environment or an event with others or just a color that suits the week...
And I hope to go out again soon with a new good camera; Maybe you'll see some of that here again...
Anyway, below is the poem from Don Blanding.

The Double Life

How very simple life would be
If only there were two of me
A Restless Me to drift and roam
A Quiet Me to stay at home.
A Searching One to find his fill
Of varied skies and newfound thrill
While sane and homely things are done
By the domestic Other One.

And that's just where the trouble lies;
There is a Restless Me that cries
For chancy risks and changing scene,
For arctic blue and tropic green,
For deserts with their mystic spell,
For lusty fun and raising Hell,

But shackled to that Restless Me
My Other Self rebelliously
Resists the frantic urge to move.
It seeks the old familiar groove
That habits make. It finds content
With hearth and home — dear prisonment,
With candlelight and well-loved books
And treasured loot in dusty nooks,

With puttering and garden things
And dreaming while a cricket sings
And all the while the Restless One
Insists on more exciting fun,
It wants to go with every tide,
No matter where…just for the ride.
Like yowling cats the two selves brawl
Until I have no peace at all.

One eye turns to the forward track,
The other eye looks sadly back.
I'm getting wall-eyed from the strain,
(It's tough to have an idle brain)
But One says "Stay" and One says "Go"
And One says "Yes," and One says "No,"
And One Self wants a home and wife
And One Self craves the drifter's life.

The Restless Fellow always wins
I wish my folks had made me twins.

Creatieve groetjes,


Met deze kaart doe ik mee bij:
I am entering this card at:
Crafty Calender Challenge: Anything goes 
The crafter's cafĂ© challenge: #303 Fiminine
Happy Little Stampers Stencil challenge: Anything goes

11 opmerkingen:

  1. Heel mooi Gerrina !!!!
    Leuk post zo !!!!
    groeten Ineke

  2. Heel mooi, Gerrina en de woorden zijn herkenbaar voor mij :)

  3. Don Blanding poem is very thought provoking isn't it, he lived in Hawaii and wonder why he was so restless living in that warm climate. A lovey card from that unfinished box, it must be a big one.

    B x

  4. Fabulous creation and thanks for joining us at Crafty Calendar x

  5. Cool card! Great use of stenciling - Thanks for joining in at HLS Stencil

  6. Heel mooi, Gerrina! Prachtig gedicht.
    grtjs Yvette

  7. I love to stay at home, too and I really enjoyed reading your blog. Well done! Thanks for joining us at The Paper Funday Challenge.

  8. What a wonderful poem, Gerrina - thank you for sharing it!! I feel it too, although the home loving 'me' is winning these days, but there are trips planned for the year ahead - all being well.
    Love your page - the pink and blue background to the face and words is perfect

  9. Mooi hoor en prachtig gedicht .
    Groetjes, Els

  10. Gorgeous card! Love your color choice and your wonderful stenciling. Thank you for joining us at The Crafter's Cafe, and I hope to see you again soon. Hugs, Jinny

  11. Your project is so Avant-Garde! Very nicely done! Thanks so much for sharing with us at A Place to Start!
    Chana Malkah, Owner


Bedankt voor je berichtje! Ik lees ze elke keer met veel plezier.
Thanks for your comment! I read them with great pleasure.

Creatieve groetjes, Gerrina