
zondag 2 juni 2024

Beste vrienden / Bests friends

En nog een kaart/bladzijde met een nieuwe Andy Skinnerstempel... Hierbij heb ik ook weer een achtergrond uit mijn achtergrondendoos gebruikt. Die achtergrond was al gesprayed met zelfgemaakte spuit-inkt door een stencil en lekker fel van kleur, dus heb ik eenvoudig het meisje en haar hond en de tekst gestempeld en de randen gekleurd.

And again a card/page with the new Andy Skinner stamps... With this one I used a background from my background box again. That background was already sprayed with selmade spray-ink through a stencil and is lovely bright with the colour, so I simply stamped the girl and her dog and the text and sponged the edges.

Gebruikte materialen:
Used materials:
Stempels: Creative Expressions/Andy Skinner,
Stencil: Onbekend 
Inkt: Versafine Onyx black
Overige: Aquarelpapier met daarop sprayinkt door een stencil gespoten en blendingtool

Creatieve groetjes,


Met deze kaart doe ik mee bij:
I am entering this card at:
Art Journal Journey: What makes you happy
Make my monday: #226 Dog or puppy
Try it on Tuesday: Emboss
Creative Artiste challengeblog: #104 Anything Mixed Media goes
Simon Says Stamp Wednesdaychallenge: Anything goes
Gem of a challenge: week 11 Anything goes
NBUS Challenge: #63

11 opmerkingen:

  1. Gorgeous shimmer and sparkle on the background to showcase this lovely stamp. Thanks for joining us at Allsorts.

  2. Love the sparkle! Great card! Thank you or joining us at Allsorts this week!

  3. The little girl and her beloved dog work beautifully with your striking background, Gerrina! Well done using your schtuff! And thank you for inspiring everyone to use their NBUS! Hugs, Darnell

  4. Glad you shared this beautiful journal page with us. It is charming. It also makes me happy, which is perfect for Matilde's theme at Art Journal Journey.

  5. A really delightful image Gerrina, many thanks for sharing at Allsorts challenge.

    B x

  6. I just saw these new stamps online. I really
    Like. This one and you used is beautifully
    Gerrina. Thanks for joining Matilde’s challenge at AJJ. And happy June to you. Hugs Erika

  7. Homemade spray ink--how exciting, Gerrina! I love how you've used the inks for a colorful background that doesn't overwhelm. Thank you so much for sharing your page with us at Creative Artiste for our Anything Mixed Media Goes challenge!

  8. It's beautiful! Thank you for joining my challenge at AJJ 🤗

  9. I noticed you also linked up to TIOT, so thanks for joining our embossing challenge also. hugs again-Erika

  10. Oh, that Image is so sweet. Love the shimmer. Hope you have a wonderful day.


Bedankt voor je berichtje! Ik lees ze elke keer met veel plezier.
Thanks for your comment! I read them with great pleasure.

Creatieve groetjes, Gerrina