
donderdag 30 november 2023

Magische wereld / Magic world

Uit mijn doos met achtergronden heb ik deze bolletjes achtergrond gehaald op een van de gezellige donderdagmiddagen. Ik moest er van mezelf eindelijk iets mee maken... Ik had mijn Lavinia stempelmap mee naar de keukentafel genomen en terwijl ik daarin aan het bladeren was kreeg ik een idee wat ik met deze achtergrond kon doen. Ik vind die glans/ glimmer van de toververf super leuk, maar het was niet makkelijk erop te werken...

From my box with backgrounds I took this circle background on one of the fun Thursday afternoons. I set myself the goal to finaly make something with it...  I had bought my binder with Lavinia stamps to the kitchentable and while I was flipping through it I got an idea what I could do with this background. I like the glimmer of the used 'tover'-paint, but it is not easy to work on it...

Met flits:

Zonder flits:

Gebruikte materialen:
Used materials:
Stempels: Lavinia
Stencil: zelf gemaakt
Inkt: Versafine Clair Nocturne
Overige: Aquarelpapier, toververf, kwast en water en tekststicker

Creatieve groetjes,


Met deze kaart doe ik mee bij:
I am entering this card at:
Double D Challenges: Stripes a/o dots
Shopping our stash: #510 Splish, splash
Use your stuff challenge: #498 Shine bright
Lost Coast Designes: #179 Round and round
Ellibelle's I spy with my little eye...: #9 Sparkle a/o shine
NBUS Challenge: #56
Pammie's Inky Pinky challenges: #2347 Anything goes

10 opmerkingen:

  1. Het lijken twee verschillende kaartjes door de foto op verschillende tijdstippen te nemen....leuk gedaan Gerrina!
    Groetjes Diny

  2. Very creative, pretty and magical!!
    Thank you for joining our challenge at Double D!
    Diane DD Co-Owner
    {Nellies Nest}
    {Double D}

  3. Sparkle and Fairies Gerrina, what a perfect combination and the circle designs work so well with the images.

    B x

  4. Ja, dat kan zo verschillen die manier waarop je fotografeert, maar op de eerste zie je wel heel mooi hoe glanzend het is. Mooi sprookjesachtig geheel is het!

  5. What a lovely way to include the circles for LCD! Jo x

  6. Fabulous result Gerrina - love the sparkle in the paint of the circles - the flash makes a huge difference!! Love how you have used the stamps in the circles

  7. How sweet. I love all your little fairies, and you have showcased them perfectly!! Lots of wonderful work here and great take on the challenge. Thanks so much for playing along over at Double D, hope we see you back again soon!
    Judy~ DD DT designer

  8. The fairies were a perfect addition to the beautiful background you found in your box of backgrounds. It looks wonderful with all that sparkle!
    Thank you so much for playing along with us at I spy with my little eye!
    Ellibelle's Corner

  9. Such a sweet that encouraging sentiment!! Way to go shopping your stash!! We are so glad you joined the fun and played along with our "Splish Splash" challenge over at Shopping Our Stash!! -Deb Horst, DT #SOS510

  10. Beautiful magical scene Gerrina and so sparkly!! Thanks so much for sharing with this month's "I Spy With My Little Eye" challenge theme "Sparkle and Shine"
    Pauline xx


Bedankt voor je berichtje! Ik lees ze elke keer met veel plezier.
Thanks for your comment! I read them with great pleasure.

Creatieve groetjes, Gerrina