The two weeks of the TIME OUT Challenge are gone so quickly, so we have a new challenge for you starting today! The challenge this time is a Breastcancer awareness/Friendschip theme with the optional twist to use pink. This is what I made:
Gebruikte materialen:
Used materials:
Stempels: Limited editions, CAS-ual fridays
Stencils: Zelf gemaakt
Inkt: Versafine Onyx black, DO Picked raspberry
Je hebt twee weken de tijd, dus waarom neem je niet wat TIME OUT en doe met ons mee? Wie weet zien we jou dan terug als Gast Designer en win je de 25 dollar voucher van onze sponsor CAS-ual Friday! En doe je de twist, dan ding je mee naar de speciale prijs van onze sponsor CAS-ual Friday!
You have two weeks to enter in our challenge, so why don't you take some TIME OUT and join us? Maybe we will see you back as Guest Designer and you can be the winner of the 25 dollar voucher from our sponsor CAS-ual Friday! And if you use the twist you can win the special price from our sponsor CAS-ual Friday!
Met deze kaart doe ik mee bij:
I am entering this card at:
The Artistic Stamper: Take a little colour
Happy Little Stampers CAS challenge: Silhouette
The Card Concept: #78 Pastel Party
Addicted To Stamps: #260 Anything goes
Simon Says Stamp Wednesdaychallenge: Anything goes