"Making the simple complicated is commonplace; making the complicated simple, awesomely simple, that's creativity." - Charles Mingus

vrijdag 19 juli 2024

Zomer Challenge dag 12+13 / Summer Challenge day 12+13

Het is een rare zomer... Het regent veel! Maar dat doet het al vanaf Oktober, dus daar zijn we nu zo onderhand wel aan gewend... Dus heb ik vorige week vrijdag van alles in het huis gedaan, maar het weekend en de week erna gewoon genoten van het weer; het was met 22 graden in het weekend en tot en met woensdag niet te warm en niet te koud, er was af en toe een klein briesje en oh wonder: het was grotendeels droog! Ik ben dus veel buiten geweest en heb sommige struiken in de tuin zelfs voor de 2e keer moeten snoeien, terwijl ik dat nog nooit hoefde te doen, maar de sneeuwbalstruik in onze tuin had dan ook voor de 2e keer gebloeid heel raar; ik denk dat de planten ook hopeloos in de war zijn door het weer... En net als elk jaar moest de Boerenjasmijn na de bloei ook gesnoeid worden. Daarnaast ben ik heerlijk aan het genieten geweest van de tuin; die is zo 'lush' en groen dit jaar... Niet zo gek met zo veel regen en dagen waarop het eerder herfst dan zomer lijkt qua wind en regen en soms zelfs qua temperatuur...
Dus heb ik in het weekend en de dagen daarna niet gestempeld en heb ik pas op de donderdagmiddag/stempelmiddag de 12e en 13e dag van de Zomer Challenge gemaakt; je bent in een Zomer-modus of niet toch? 
Voor dag 12 is de prompt blauw en ik moest meteen aan Delfts blauw denken, dus dat heb ik dat gedaan met water, een kwast en een blendingtool... Voor dag 13 hab ik het kasteel van Lavinia gebruikt, al een oudere stempel, en die heb ik met nieuwere paddenstoelen en andere stempels gecombineerd.

It is a strange Summer... It rains a lot! But he that is happening from October, so we are used to that by now... So I worked hard in the house last Friday, but enjoyed the weather this weekend and the following week; it was with 22 degrees not too warm and not too cold, there was a little breeze sometimes and, oh wonder; for most of the time it was dry! So I was outside a lot and had to prune some of the bushes in the garden for a 2nd time, while I have never had to do that before, but the snowball Verbernium had flowered for the 2nd time; so strange. I think that the plants are hopelessly confused by the weather... And just like every year the Jasmine also had to be pruned after flowering. I have also been enjoying the garden; it is so 'lush' and green this year... Not surprising with so much rain and days when it seems more autumn than Summer in terms of wind and rain and sometimes even in temperature.
So I didn't stamp over the weekend and the days after that and only completed the 12th and 13th days of the Summer Challenge only on the Thursday afternoon/stamping afternoon... You are in a Summer mode or not?
For day 12 the prompt is blue and I immediately thought of Delfts blue, sp I did that with water, a brush and a blendingtool. For day 13 I used the castle of Lavinia, an older stamp and combined it with newer stamps of mushrooms and more stamps.

Zomer Challenge AJ Dag 12: Blauw / Blue

Gebruikte materialen:
Used materials:
Stempels: Santoro
Stencil: Joggles
Inkt: Versafine Clair Nocturne, DO  
Overige: Aquarelpapier, blendingtool , kwast en water en tekststicker

Zomer Challenge Dag 13: Kasteel / Castle

Gebruikte materialen:
Used materials:
Stempels: Lavinia
Inkt: Versafine Clair Nocturne, DO  Lucky clover, Faded jeans, Dusty concord, Ground expresso en Candied apple
Overige: Aquarelpapier, blendingtool , kwast en water

Creatieve groetjes,


Met de 1e kaart doe ik mee bij:
I am entering the first card at:
Zomer Challenge AJ Dag 11: Blauw (FB)
Double D Challenges: Basket full of  Possies
Shopping our stash: #525 Summer
Krafty Chicks Challenge: #725 CAS
Ellibelle's I spy with my little eye...: #17 Summer vibes
Creative Friday: #362 No patterned paper
Crafty Calender Challenge: Add a sentiment
Wednesday Creative inspiration blog: Anything goes

Met de 2e kaart doe ik mee bij:
I am entering the second card at:
Zomer Challenge AJ Dag 13: Kasteel (FB)
Lavinia: Summer moon
NBUS Challenge: #64
The Crafter's café challenge: #310 Anything goes opt. include some balloons
Creative Fingers: #282 Anything goes
Pammie's Inky Pinky challenges: #2428 Anythng goes

13 opmerkingen:

  1. Beide super mooi !!!
    Die blauwe ....top !
    groeten Ineke

  2. Two super cards Gerrina, I especially love the magical scene on the second one.
    Liz xx

  3. It certainly is a strange summer of weather in our part of the World. The tone on tone card is very effective but it's the magical Lavinia scene which is my favourite. Lovely to see you at We Love Stamping again, many thanks for joining us.

    B x

  4. Another two fabulous creations Gerrina. Love your interpretation of the blue prompt, and that castle looks almost ethereal with the mushrooms so big! :)

  5. It has been raining a lot here too and I have ben able to get a lot done inside, so when I is nice out, I will be able to enjoy that too, just like you. I love the monochromatic card that you did for Double D Challenge.

  6. Beautiful creation! Thanks so much for joining in the fun at our Double D challenge! Good Luck and we hope you’ll come back often.

    Co-Owner … Can You Handle the Pressure, Double D, Four Seasons, Peace On Earth, Stencil Fun, Simply Clean & Simple, Two Old Bats, Triple B, Word Power, Love Those Pretty Papers

  7. Gorgeous card, I love the monochrome one using that Gorjuss stamp. Thanks for joining in our challenge over at Crafty Calendar.
    Bev x

  8. What a fantastic 'blue' card Gerrina. I love the Gorjuss girls images and you've created a wonderful monochromatic CAS card. Thanks for sharing with us at Krafty Chicks challenge this week. Hugs, Denise x

  9. Strange weather we are definitely having in Europe, it doesn't feel like we have had a decent summer. Thank you for joining us at We Love Stamping Challenge Karen DT

  10. 2 beautiful cards Gerrina. I love the monotone look of your first summer card. Thanks so much for sharing with this month’s I Spy Challenge “Summer Vibes”.
    Pauline xx

  11. Two wonderful cards Gerrina, thank you so much for joining us at I spy with my little eye challenge!

  12. The blue card is great. It has the colour of rain, but shows a summer motif. Well done. Thank you for taking part in our challenge at Creative Friday.
    Hugs, Silke

  13. Your captured the rainy feel perfectly in this all blue card!! Way to go adding to your stash...your card is perfect for our "Summer" challenge!! Thanks for playing along with us over at Shopping Our Stash!!
    Deb Horst, DT #SOS526


Bedankt voor je berichtje! Ik lees ze elke keer met veel plezier.
Thanks for your comment! I read them with great pleasure.

Creatieve groetjes, Gerrina