"Making the simple complicated is commonplace; making the complicated simple, awesomely simple, that's creativity." - Charles Mingus

zondag 5 januari 2025

Trouwdag / Aniversary

In December was het de 62e trouwdag van mijn ouders en natuurlijk maakte ik een kaart voor hen. Het word steeds moeilijker weer iets nieuws te verzinnen, maar gelukkig had ik deze stansjes van een bruidspaar nog niet voor een kaart voor hen gebruikt. In het echt kun je beter zien dat op de achtergrond is gewerkt met een klassiek swirl stencil. Dat is dan ook de reden dat ik niet op de achtergrond gestempeld heb, maar, nu de kaart af is twijfel ik of het beter was geweest...

In December my parents had their 62th wedding aniversary and of course I made a card for them. It is getting harder to make something new every time, but luckely I had these die-cits of a bridal couple that I hadn't used for a card for them. IRL it showes a lot better that there is used a classic swirl stencil in the background. That is the reason I didn't stamp on the background, but, now the card is finished I am in doubt if that would have been better...

Gebruikte materialen:
Used materials:
Stencil: onbekend
Stanzen: Action
Inkt: Versafine Clair Nocturne
Overige: Aquarelpapier met daarop zelfgemaakte spuitinkt met glitter, Derwent Inktense potloden en wit kaartkarton

Creatieve groetjes,


Met deze kaart doe ik mee bij:
I am entering this card at:
Double D Challenges: Birthday or Aniversary
Simon Says Stamp Wednesdaychallenge: Something new (Die cuts)
Little red wagon: #788 New beginnings something new (Die cuts)
Snippets Playground: Challenge #497 (For all die-cuts are snippets of aquarelpaper used/ yes please)
My time to craft challenges: #550 New (Die cuts)

7 opmerkingen:

  1. A very sweet anniversary card for your parents.

    Thanks for coming to play in the Snippets Playground. See you up in the treehouse shortly. x

  2. Very pretty - love the sparkly background! Thanks for sharing with us at MTTC :)

  3. A great card Gerrina. Once again - I said this previously in a comment on our last challenge - as per our rules, you will only be any of our Snippets prize draws if you say in a comment over on the Playground Challenge Blog. We can't search personal blogs to check. IF you wish to play for prizes then you must say so ON our Challenge Blog. It's only fair to others who do play properly and you have been excluded from a chance to win a prize a few times. Which is sad.
    Di xx

  4. A sweet card for your parents anniversary, Gerrina.
    Liz xx

  5. Wow, 62 years is amazing, what a beautiful card for them Gerrina, many thanks for sharing with us at Allsorts challenge.

    B x

  6. Oh this is so sweet and perfect for your parents. What an achievement for them. Thanks for joining us at Allsorts.

  7. It's perfect for the occasion Gerrina. So beautiful!
    Thanks so much for sharing at Allsorts challenge!


Bedankt voor je berichtje! Ik lees ze elke keer met veel plezier.
Thanks for your comment! I read them with great pleasure.

Creatieve groetjes, Gerrina